Saturday, June 23, 2007

WLMS Graduation

My daughter just graduated from Wilde Lake Middle School, and the school had a "Farewell Ceremony" in the Atholton High School Auditorium on the evening of June 14th. (Since Howard County public schools deem graduation to apply only to high school, this was not officially a graduation.) There were 200 "graduates", and they made it a loud, boisterous, happy affair. Most, especially the girls, dressed as if they were going to a prom. Outstanding performances were recognized including the ~8 students (all girls?) who made straight A's throughout middle school and a comparable number who had never missed a day of school. Each of the graduates walked across the stage and were handed their certificate. The students were instructed not to applaud, and they didn't. But they made every other kind of happy noise. It was really loud for the more popular students, but everyone got some noisy recognition.

After the ceremony about 8 of the students and their parents celebrated at the Rocky Run Tape & Grill in Columbia.

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